Minecraft 1.15.1 mesa bryce badlands spikes seed for java edition

This Minecraft 1.15.1 seed spawns players in a mesa biome right near a river and some eroded badlands, also known as a bryce. All around this is a pretty standard mesa / badlands seed for Minecraft 1.15.1 where players can expect to find colored blocks, cacti, the whole badlands experience.
The seed is: 4452810967582224222
For more mesa seeds check out the Minecraft mesa seeds list
The coordinates of the bryce are X90 by Z-75 which is really close to the spawn point. This Minecraft seed is tested for 1.15.1 and probably works for other similar versions as well.
This spawn point is right in the center of a massive mesa biome. It will take quite a journey to escape the perils of the badlands in this 1.15.1 mesa seed for Minecraft.