Minecraft beehive village bedrock seed 1.14.60

This is a really good Minecraft bedrock seed for the 1.14.60 Minecraft versions. Players start right in view of this beehive in the picture above with a village in plain sight of here. There's a lot of gigantic rivers around here with lots of water and a snowy taiga on the other side. There are actually two villages bordering the river in the snowy biome. Because this seed works for bedrock, it will also work for PE, PS4, and xbox Minecraft versions.
The seed is: -1512265501
To make things even better, this Minecraft 1.14.60 beehive bedrock seed has a second beehive beside one of the houses in the village! But wait, there's more! There's a small patch of flower forest near the village which you can eventually move your beehives to.
This Minecraft 1.14.60 bedrock seed is a really cool place to play Minecraft. There are two more villages, so I guess it's a Minecraft village bedrock seed as well. There's a desert nearby, and a small patch of savana between the plains and the desert. There are a lot of fun games to play here and it's overall a really exciting and fun place to play Minecraft.