Minecraft mesa seed 1.15.1 near bryce and massive cold ocean lake

Here is a Minecraft 1.15.1 seed with a mesa and bryce at the starting location. This Minecraft seed is very interesting because it has a dry biome (mesa) next to a massive inland body of water which is cold ocean biome.

The seed is: -6937726429137501923

Everything you'll want to check out is right at the start. There's not really much more to this Minecraft seed other than the mesa, bryce and ocean. Honestly Minecraft mesa seeds are never particularly interesting. Once you've seen one mesa it feels like you've seen them all

Minecraft mesa seeds are great for building with color and style while playing in survival mode. The clay blocks in the mesa have many different colors to choose from while building, which is the greatest strength of a mesa biome. Other than that they're kind of uneventful. Either way this is an interesting mesa seed for Minecraft.