Black Forest Biome

The black forest biome is one of the most beautiful and fascinating biomes in Valheim. This region can be found next to meadows towards the center of the map. Black forests and mountains are the first biomes you'll encounter after meadows, which is always the starting biome.
Black forests contain the following:
- Deer
- Trolls
- Troll Caves
- Skeletons
- Burial Mound dungeons (skeleton dungeon)
- Greydwarves
- Greydwarf mounds (spawners)
- Carrot Seeds
- Copper Ore
- Pine Trees
- Thistle
- Blueberry Bushes
- Yellow Mushrooms (in dungeons)
- Rubies (in dungeons)
- Smurtling cores (in burial mounds)
- Various abandoned stone structures guarded by skeletons.
Black forests are possibly the most fun biome to explore. The black forest is not a high level biome, but it's very fun and exciting to explore. Not only that but the black forest is absolutely beautiful at the right times of day.