Borderlands 3 red text information list

This is a list of all the Borderlands 3 red text item descriptions, what they do, and which weapon(s) they can be found on. Each red text does something different to the weapon. Some of these red text item modifiers can be as simple as increasing weapon damage, and some can be as complex as shooting hitscan projectiles are nearby foes when getting a killing blow with the red text weapon.

Usually Borderlands 3 red text descriptions give a vague idea of what they do. Some red text are nearly impossible to figure out because they change something that's hard to notice, such as weapon accuracy or recoil reduction. Some might be very situational, such as only being applied when killing a specific type of enemy.

Below is an alphabetical list of all the known red text descriptions. Click on any red text to see more about what it does, what weapon(s) it can be found on, and sometimes an explanation of how to utilize it fully.

This red text means the weapon will fire alternating spreads of horizontal and vertical lines. Also the weapon is thrown when reloading, acting as a turret until out of ammo.
This red text means that the weapon will get random stat bonuses after reloading, usually damage, fire rate, and reload speed.
This red text makes the weapon fire a slow moving orb that damages all enemies it passes through and explodes when contacting a surface.
This red text makes the weapon fire randomly for double or triple damage.
This red text means increased slide speed and double fire rate while sliding.
This red text means fast full auto fire rate and two extra bullets per shot.
This red text means high critical damage multiplier on the weapon.
This red text makes extra rockets spawn around the main projectile. The secondary rockets fly off and track random enemies that get near the main projectile.
This red text makes the rocket launchers tracker turn into a vortex grenade, pulling enemies into the singularity and tracking them.
This red text makes the weapon fire rocket projectiles that accompany the bullet and explode on impact.