Conan Exiles coarse leggings

The coarse leggings are part of the four piece coarse armor set in Conan Exiles. This armor set is one of the weakest in the game, but is still better than not having any armor at all.
Players know how to make the coarse leggings by default thanks to the weaver crafting recipe, which is known by default on all new characters. This allows players to make the coarse leggings along with the other coarse armor pieces. The coarse leggings can be crafted with 18 plant fiber, which can be found by gathering with E (Default key) on large bushes found all over the Conan Exiles world.
The coarse leggings are very weak. This piece of armor only gives 3 armor points and 2 points of poise. While it's not much, it's definitely better than nothing. In the early stages of the game this little armor could make the difference between life and death against the weaker wildlife in Conan Exiles.