Minecraft actual mountain village bedrock seed 1.14.60

A really cool Minecraft bedrock seed here, players start near a enormous mountain biome. On the other side of the mountains players can find this really cool village with part of the village up in the mountains! This is a great Minecraft village bedrock seed, it even had a lake and a river that come with it and some caves. This is a great place to play Minecraft and since this is a bedrock seed this Minecraft seed will work for pocket edition, PS4, and Xbox.
The seed is: -1313706592
There are so many mountains in this bedrock seed. What's in the screenshot above is not even half of the mountains. If you're looking for a good Minecraft mountain bedrock seed then you just found it. There are lots of fun games to play here in the mountains.
The village has horses and cows in it, which are nice. The caves are everywhere and the mountains are huge. This is a phenominal place to play Minecraft.