Minecraft jungle temple pandas bedrock seed 1.14.60

Alright we have two things here, a Minecraft jungle temple bedrock seed and a Minecraft pandas bedrock seed. There are pandas right near the jungle temple, and all of this is really close to the initial spawn point for this world seed. On top of that there's a pillager outpost off in the distance and ice spike plains in this Minecraft 1.14.60 bedrock seed. Because this is a bedrock seed, this should also work for PS4, Xbox, and PE Minecraft versions.
The seed is: 259368017
This jungle biome goes on for a really long time, it's crazy. There's so much jungle that you could get lost for days out there. The jungle temple is at X50 by Z180. There are pandas nearby on the waters edge. This place is amazing, one of the best Minecraft bedrock seeds for sure. This is a really awesome place to start a Minecraft adventure and a really fun place to play Minecraft. There are a lot of fun games to play here wit hteh pandas, and there are other animals nearby as well. What a thrilling place to start a wonderful world in Minecraft.