Minecraft sunflower plains seed 1.15.2 near mountains and forests

Here's another Minecraft 1.15.2 seed where players start near a sunflower plains biome with a ton of animals in it. This is a great Minecraft seed for any players looking to live in the plains with access to all the basic animals. There are other biomes nearby too such as forests, mountains, and birch forests. There are pletny of lakes but not very many caves in the immediate area.
The seed is: -7437936163979198512
The coordinates of the sunflower plains are X0 by Z-200. The plains are pretty expansive and there should be a desert biome nearby with a desert temple in it. There are a surprising amount of horses in the sunflower plains. Other than all of that this is a pretty standard seed for Minecraft 1.15.2. There aren't any special structures nearby, there's just sunflower plains. If you're lucky you might be able to find a beehive near here since there are so many flowers. Those things are actually pretty rare. Either way it's a pretty good Minecraft seed.