In depth analysis of potential new metas after Overwatch barrier nerfs go live

This Overwatch video comes from the YouTube Channel "Your Overwatch" and it breaks down potential emerging trends in the meta following the upcoming nerfs to shields. This patch, which should go live late November of 2019, brings the Orisa Sigma comp into line.

It seems there are a lot of options of what to play now; although, inevitably some kind of meta may emerge. For the first few weeks the meta will likely be utter chaos with players scrambling to try a variety of different metas until some sort of conensus builds among the playerbase.

Some of thre more powerful metas seem to be Reinhardt Orisa, and Doomfist, Mei, and Reaper seem to also remain powerful. The patch will have to be live for a few weeks to confirm these results however since Doomfist, Mei, and Reaper got the most value when fighting against double barrier simply because other DPS struggled to get any value against double barrier.

On one hand the theory was that Doomfist, Mei, and Reaper aren't good, it's that most other DPS are bad at fighting into reliable double shields. Your Overwatch seems to think they're still extremely powerful and time will tell how it all plays out with the new Overwatch patch.

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