Valheim Burial Chambers seed with massive black forests

If you like exploring burial chambers dungeons, then this is the best valheim seed for you. Out of all the seeds for valheim, this one is crazy for burial chambers. We were hoping to find trolls and instead we found 5 burial chambers right near the spawn point, there are probably even more, but that's all we happened to notice while exploring.
There is so much black forest in this Valheim seed it's insane. If you like black forests, you can get lost for hours and hours in them here. There's more black forest than there is meadows here.
The seed is: digdugisle
Not only does this place have burial chambers, it also has a huge strip of mountains, a singular large mountain, and some swamp relatively nearby as well without having to sail a boat to get to it. This is one of the best Valheim seeds for sure.