Valheim Creative Mode Mod

There's a new Valheim Mod that adds more to the console commands made by Skrip. These changes make it possible to play creative mode in Valheim where building doesn't require materials, where you can fly, summon creatures, summon items, and so on.
In order to install this mod you'll have to go to the nexusmods page for this one at:
To install this mod, download their zipped file and extract it into the root directory. See the bottom of the page from the nexusmods link above for more information
This mod adds extended console command functionality. According to the nexusmods page these are all the added console commands:
- /listitems [Name Contains] - List all items. Optionally include name starts with. Ex. /listitems Woo returns any item that contains the letters 'Woo'
- /coords - Show coords in corner of the screen
- /detect - Toggle enemy detection
- /farinteract - Toggles far interactions (building as well)
- /findtomb - Pin nearby tombstones on the map if any currently exist
- /findtrader - Pin the trader on the map if he currently exists
- /fly - Toggle flying
- /ghost - Toggle Ghostmode
- /give [Item] [Player=local] [Qty=1] [Level=1] - Gives item to player. If player has a space in name, only provide name before the space.
- /god - Toggle Godmode
- /heal [Player=local] - Heal Player
- /imaxstacks - Max all stacks in your inventory (this can make you overweight!)
- /infsta - Toggles infinite stamina
- /itp - Make all items in your inventory able to be teleported
- /killall - Kills all nearby creatures
- /nocost - Toggle no requirement building
- /portals - List all portal tags
- /removedrops - Removes items from the ground
- /repair - Repair your inventory
- /revealmap - Reveals the entire minimap
- /set cw [weight] - Set your weight limit (default 300)
- /spawn CreatureName/ItemName [Level=1] - Spawns a creature or item in front of you
- /tame - Tame all nearby creatures
- /tod (0-1) - Set time of day - /tod 0.5
- /tp [x,y] - Teleport you to the coords )
- /ttp - Teleport to tombstone
- /whois - List all active players (currently seems to be limited by range if not host)
This mod is extremely useful for anyone who wants to build creatively without having to constantly go grab materials. The SkToolbox mod is perfect for singleplayer games, or players playing with their friends in a private server who simply want to build more than they want to play the game.