Valheim Plus Mod

Valheim Plus is a harmonyX mod originally created by nx#8830 on February 15th, 2021. This Valheim mod changes tons of different things in Valheim, from production speeds to building placements. The biggest thing this mod has to offer probably is supposedly increasing the player limit on servers, or at least changing it.
To install this mod you'll need to follow the instructions on the github. It sounds a little bit complicated.
The NexusMods page:
The Github page:
The github says the config file's name is supposed to be "valheim_plus.cfg" and you need to put it in "BepInEx\config" then also goes on to say "You will also need to place the "INIFileParser.dll" into the "BepInEx\plugins" folder (its supplied by default within the release versions)"
The compiler requirements are where things get complicated. According to the github:
You will be dependent on a package of stripped .net/mono Unity files from the Valheim directory. How to get BepInEx working:
- Download this package:
Unpack into your Valheim root folder and overwrite every file when asked.
Add all dll's of "\Valheim\valheim_Data\Managed" folder as references to the project.
(Except : "mscorlib.dll", "System.Configuration.dll", "System.Core.dll", "System.dll", "System.Xml.dll")
- Add all BepInEx dll's ("Valheim\BepInEx\core") as refernces to the project.
(Except : "0Harmony.dll", "0Harmony20.dll")
- Add Ini-parser and HarmonyX via nu-get
What this mod does
According to the nexusmods page:
- Modify Player weight values (base and Megingjord)
- Modify Food Duration
- Modify Fermenter Speed & Output
- Modify Furnace Maximum coal/ore, speed and coal usage
- Modify Kiln production speed
- Remove Item teleport prevention from ores
- Reduce Item weight of all items by %
- Remove Building "Invalid Placement" restriction
- Remove Building Object deterioration by weather.
- Modify Beehive production speed & maximum
- Remove Password requirement for server
- Modify maximum Players on a server
- Shared Map System with a setting that respects player map visibility settings
- Hotkey options for fowards and backwards roll.
- Advanced Building Mode
(You only get map progression when you are online)
Also it enables an advanced building mode where you can "freeze" an object and move it.