Minecraft fox and wolf seed near a witch hut mountains and a taiga village 1.15.2

Here's a great Minecraft seed 1.15.2 where players start right next to wolves and foxes in a taiga. This is a great Minecraft dog taming seed to play Minecraft with. Players start in a small taiga near mountains, a swamp, witch hut, village, and birch forests. There are a lot of good biomes around here. The village makes it a 1.15.2 village seed as well.

The seed is: -3267740658611623969

The foxes and wolves are the best part of this Minecraft seed. It's a great place to raise some dogs. There are probably cats in the nearby village too, so you can have all kinds of domesticated animals here in this best Minecraft seed.

The coordinates of the village are x0 by z100 and the witch hut is at x280 by z295. Whether you decide to hole up in the witch hut, or go join the villagers in their village, or somewhere inbetween, this is a great place to build Minecraft houses with cats and dogs as pets. It's a wonderful place to play Minecraft and is a really awesome Minecraft seed in general. There are a lot of fun games to play here and it's a perfect place to play Minecraft.