Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Evermean Enemy

The Evermean is a tree mimic enemy found in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. They drop a wide variety of loot and are impervious to most blunt attacks. Attacking with an axe or fire weapon will properly dispatch the evermean.
Location: Great Hyrule Forest, Hyrule Field, Various wooded locations
Energetic Rhino Beetle : Rare (Tree type dependent)
Bladed Rhino Beetle : Rare (Tree type dependent)
Rugged Rhino Beetle : Rare (Tree type dependent)
Hightail Lizard : Common
Korok Frond : Uncommon
Chickaloo Tree Nut : Uncommon
Acorn : Oak variant
Golden Apple : Uncommon from Apple Tree Variant
Monster Extract : Unknown
Sturdy Thick Stick : Common
Evermean Log : Certain Variants of evermean (always)
Log : Basic variant and most evermeans in the Depths