Gacha Club Heal Strike and unit list
This Gacha Club active skill is called Heal Strike. This ability attacks a single target for a good amount of damage and also heals your whole team based off the max health of the unit who uses heal strike. This active skill is really good against bosses. It's cheaper than ultimate heal and when combined with an ultimate healer unit, it can be a good comprosmise heal when you don't need a big expensive heal but still need to heal your team a little bit.
The level progression of Heal Strike in Gacha Club is as follows:
Level 1: Attack 1 enemy with 2.5x damage, and heal team for 12% of this units max HP
Level 2: Attack 1 enemy with 3x damage, and heal team for 18% of this units max HP
Level 3: Attack 1 enemy with 3.5x damage, and heal team for 22% of this units max HP
Level 4: Attack 1 enemy with 4x damage, and heal team for 26% of this units max HP
Level 5: Attack 1 enemy with 5x damage, and heal team for 30% of this units max HP