Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice scrap iron farming location for the early game

One of the earliest places in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice to farm scrap iron is near the Hirata Estate: Main Hall. This Sekiro Guide will tell you what you need to know.
Near the Hirata Estate Main Hall, there's a well that players can drop down to backtrack. Down this well players find a bundle of weak enemies. In this area there are two paths, one that drops off to the river behind a house, and one that leads into the bamboo thicket.
Take the path down into the bamboo and you'll find two spear fighters. This is one of the best places for Sekiro scrap iron farming. It's important to know your Mikiri counter move before farming these materials here. Simple stop at the top of the stairs and wait for the monk in white to come charging. Use a Mikiri counter on this monk a few times to break his poise and then execute him. Do the same for the monk in the back.
These two monks have a high chance of droping scrap iron in Sekiro. This is a great place to grind and farm scrap iron. Be careful however, items like scrap iron seem to only drop in limited supply. Once these enemies stop dropping scrap iron, players must progress a little through the story and come back later in order to obtain more scrap iron. This tends to be true of any location where these materials are found. If the enemies are grinded continuously, they'll eventually stop dropping anything good.
If they aren't dropping scrap iron, either go do other things and come back, or progress further through the game and come back and they should drop more scrap iron. The video below shows this spot in further detail.
Sekiro Scrap Iron farming is as simple as that. Later on more enemies drop scrap iron, but in the early game this spot is vital to getting the scrap iron necessary for a significant power boost in wolfs prosthetic abilities. The prosthetic tool is one of the best parts about Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice.