Big Crucible patch notes: May 30th, 2020

At the end of May 29th, 2020 Crucible came out with a new patch on their steam page. This is arguably the biggest patch for the game to date. They've made timers visible from all ranges while in stealth mode. Also tons of bugs have been fixed. One of the biggest changes however is for Ajonah, who now gets a much needed indicator for her grappling hook so she knows when she's able to grab something. Previously players were left guessing and often times would die while trying to grapple a wall that seemed in range.
There are a lot more changes in this patch, including tips during loading screens. The ping system has received an overhaul, and player levels have been expanded upon. Below are the full Crucible patch notes as quoted from their steam page.
Full Patch Notes May 29th / May 30th, 2020:
Technology & performance
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug related that caused some customers to fail the minimum system requirements check if they had more than one graphics card.
- Made a speculative fix to address one of the causes of players getting stuck on a screen with the Crucible logo while attempting to connect to a match.
- Fixed a bug that could occasionally cause server performance to degrade
- Fixed some rare server crashes.
- Fixed a rare client crash.
Hunters & balance
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that allowed hunters to move at normal speeds while crouched or healing.
- Ajonah's reticle will now indicate whether or not you are in Grappling Hook [Left Shift] range.
Captain Mendoza
Bug fixes:
- Reduced the frequency of Captain Mendoza's Flash Grenade [E] voice lines.
Rahi & Brother
Bug fixes:
- Increased the audio on Reload [R].
- Modified the motion of the Concussive Punch [level 1 upgrade] projectile to make targeting more consistent while in the air.
Bug fixes:
- Holo-Shield [E]: Fixed a bug that allowed Shakirri to use Aim Down Sights [Right Mouse Button] while using her Holo-Shield.
- Fixed the placement of Shakirri's emojis.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that allowed Summer to use Fireballs [Right Mouse Button] while overheated.
- Fixed a bug that caused Summer's Magma Spiral [Q] to be canceled early by Flamethrower [Left Mouse Button] attacks.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused Tosca's camera to behave incorrectly if X-Ray Goggles [E] were activated while she was interacting with an object.
Game modes
- The in-game scoreboard can now be used during a match using the grave [`] key by default.
- Timers for upcoming events are now always visible in detect mode, where previously there was a range limit.
Bug fixes:
- Harvester objectives now show markers in the UI correctly.
Heart of the Hives
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug which prevented some players from hearing heart capture music in Heart of the Hives.
- Fixed a bug that caused hives to spawn inside existing hives or on top of hive hearts.
- Heart captures now properly show in the scoreboard screen.
Alpha Hunters
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a bug that caused harvesters to appear to be controlled by an enemy if a player formed a temporary alliance with the player who controlled it.
- Starting event icons now show on the map in Alpha Hunters.
User interface & usability
- Colorblind palette support for UI elements has been enabled.
- Added additional support and polish for the in-game contextual ping system:
- Adjusted layout of the contextual ping wheel so the ping options start at the top center of the wheel and go in order clockwise from there.
- Changed the way multi-click pings track location. Multi-click pings will now use the location of the first ping for the final displayed ping.
- Implemented multiple polish adjustments to the way the battle pass and its rewards are displayed. None of these adjustments affected the function or rewards of the battle pass itself.
- Added a tooltip on the loadout selection menu to help explain Essence & upgrades.
- Added gameplay tips on loading screens.
- Updated prestige borders and hunter progression leveling to be more clear. For each hunter:
- From prestige level 1-600, prestige borders are bronze. The border of the portrait becomes more ornate every 10 levels. Each time 100 levels are gained, the portrait returns to the base portrait, but with an additional decorative element underneath the portrait.
- At prestige level 601 the prestige border updates to silver, and the border returns to the least ornate version. The number underneath the portrait changes back to 1 to indicate the hunter's prestige is now Silver Level 1.
- At prestige level 1201 the prestige border updates to gold, and the border returns to the least ornate version. The number underneath the portrait changes back to 1 to indicate the hunter's prestige is now Gold Level 1.
- At prestige level 1801 the prestige border updates to Obsidian, and the border returns to the least ornate version. The number underneath the portrait changes back to 1 to indicate the hunter's prestige is now Obsidian Level 1.
- At prestige level 2401 the prestige border updates to Crystal, and the border returns to the least ornate version. The number underneath the portrait changes back to 1 to indicate the hunter's prestige is now Crystal Level 1.
- At prestige level 3000, the prestige border is capped. The Hunter's prestige level will display as Crystal 600.
- XP progression bar on the post game rewards screen updated to match the prestige border progression.
- Updated border art.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed some "unlock" audio cues which were not playing correctly.
- Fixed a bug that caused the UI to not display correctly after rejoining a match.
- Fixed a bug that caused some items from the in-game store to not correctly show as being acquired.
- Fixed some cases where player portraits failed to show.
- Fixed a bug that caused the "disconnected" screen to show up when a player had not been disconnected.
- Fixed a bug that prevented players from spectating a teammate after dying.
- Fixed some issues with the mouse cursor getting lost at the end of matches.
- Fixed a bug that caused the map to display persistently at the end of matches.
- Fixed end-of match Essence scoring. Previously all kill Essence was added to one player's score instead of distributed properly.
- Fixed a bug that allowed players who died with the ping menu open to control spectator cam.
- Fixed a bug that caused the contextual ping menu to display instead of the emoji, emote, or voice line wheels if the hotkey for those wheels was pressed while targeting an interactable object.
- Fixed a bug that caused pings to occasionally disappear and reappear in rapid succession.
- Fixed a bug that caused the incorrect default controller buttons to display in some tooltips.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused text to display instead of icons in some tooltips.