Conan Exiles Hunting Bow
![Conan Exiles Hunting Bow](/application/files/thumbnails/small/7214/8735/7450/Conan_Exiles_Hunting_Bow.jpg)
The Hunting Bow is the lowest level most primitive projectile weapon in Conan Exiles. This weapon allows players to shoot enemies using arrows.
Players can craft hunting bows starting at level 5 with the unlock of the Archer crafting recipe. With this recipe players can also make flinthead arrows, the weakest in the game. While this combo of bow and arrow is weak in the late-game, it's all players will need to use ranged weapon on weak enemies.
The hunting bow can be crafted in the player inventory using 7 branches, 13 hide, and 13 twine. The hunting bow does 22 health damage points.
In order to equip arrows to bow players must first put the bow into the action bar at the bottom of the screen. Then they must open the inventory and drag and drop the arrows onto the bow icon. For a video tutorial of how to equip arrows to the bow, see the youtube video below.
The Hunting Bow is weak, but it's perfect for lower level wildlife and monsters. While it's not ideal for slaying dragons, it will get the job done at lower levels in Conan Exiles.