Conan Exiles Acolyte of Yog crafting recipe

The Acolyte of Yog is one of the three basic religious crafting recipes in Conan Exiles. With this crafting recipe players will be able to worship the Yog religion. This recipe also unlocks the ability to craft the Pit of Yog, as well as the basic items and tools of any good worshiper of Yog.
The Acolyte of Yog recipe allows players to craft a Yog Cleaver at the Pit of Yog, as well as Purified Flesh. The Yog cleaver is used on the corpses of humans to collect Unblemished Human Meat. This special human meat can be brought back to the Pit of Yog and used to craft Purified Flesh, one of the most powerful food items in the game.
In the process of crafting either a Yog Cleaver or Purified Flesh, Manifestations of Zeal will be added into the Pit of Yog. These items will be used later on at higher levels to upgrade the Pit of Yog and eventually summon Yog himself.
The Acolyte of Yog crafting recipe costs 50 knowledge points to learn. There is a way to learn it without spending knowledge points, and that's by learning it from a Nunu the Cannibal. If players picked the Yog religion during character creation, they will already know this crafting recipe.
This crafting recipe is an important first step for any future worshiper of Yog. Without this recipe players cannot craft pits of Yog and they cannot use the pits of Yog either. The Acolyte of Yog crafting recipe is extremely important for any devout worshiper of Yog in Conan Exiles.