Conan Exiles Campfire

The Campfire is the most basic way to cook meat in Conan Exiles. Cooked meat is the primary way to fight off starvation. Without cooked meat it's extremely difficult to survive in Conan Exiles.
The Campfire can be crafted with 40 branches and 30 stone. In order to craft however players will need to have the Experienced Survivalist crafting recipe unlocked.
Once craft players can place this item on the ground like a building. In order to access the campfire players need to use the E key (default key) to interact.
The Campfire has a somewhat unique crafting screen. There are some visual instructions on how to use the campfire on the right of the screen.
The basic way to use the camp fire is to throw some wood into the campfire inventory, as well as some uncooked meat. There are two buttons at the top of the campfires inventory, one says "ON" and one says "OFF." Once the wood and meat have been placed in, click the "ON" button to start cooking.
Each piece of wood will allow the fire to burn for a set amount of time. Once all the meat is done cooking the fire will continue to consume wood. Players will have to click the "OFF" button when the meat is done in order to conserve wood.
This Campfire is the most basic and easy ways to cook food in Conan Exiles.