Conan Exiles fiber bedroll

The fiber bedroll is one of the most utilized items at low levels in Conan Exiles. This item will allow players to restart at the bedroll if they die, as opposed to respawning in the beginner desert at the bottom of the map.
In order to use the fiber bedroll players must first place it on the ground and then press E (default key) to interact with it. After interacting with it the players respawn point should be set to the bedroll
One important fact worth noting is that the fiber bedroll is a one time use item. If players die and respawn at the bedroll it will disappear. Players will have to craft another fiber bedroll, place it, and interact with it in order to secure another respawn point. This is the only way to set respawn points until higher levels when players can craft beds.
In order to craft the fiber bedroll players must first have the Apprentice Craftsman crafting recipe unlocked. Once this recipe is unlocked players can craft the fiber bedroll for 3 twine, 2 branches and 6 plant fiber. This item is actually very cheap to craft.
Players will find themselves crafting and using quite a few fiber bedrolls early on. This item is one of the most important items until beds are unlocked. Nobody wants to run half way across the world to get back to where their home when they die in Conan Exiles.