Conan Exiles Sandstone DoorFrame

The Sandstone DoorFrame is the most basic way to secure the entrance to a house in Conan Exiles. This building coupled with a simple wooden door is the lowest level way to make an entrance to a home that only the owner or clan can enter from.

While this door frame can be destroyed with iron weapons, it's all players generally need at level 3, which is when it's unlocked. Players cannot craft this item without the Apprentice Stonemason crafting recipe unlocked, which costs 1 knowledge points and is unlockable at level 3.

The Sandstone DoorFrame can be crafted for 25 wood and 3 stone a piece.

The Sandstone DoorFrame is generally all players will need at lower levels. Eventually players can unlock the higher level doorframes and doors, which are much harder to break. These will become available at the higher levels of Conan Exiles.

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