Conan Exiles Sandstone Wall

The Sandstone Wall is the most basic wall building piece in Conan Exiles. This wall is craftable from level 3 thanks to the Apprentice Stonemason crafting recipe, which costs 1 knowledge point to unlock.

This wall is the weakest of the three wall pieces, but also the cheapest. Most players building large structures will opt to use only this type of wall for a very long time. The higher level walls require more complex materials and take much more time to craft.

This wall can be destroyed using iron weapons unfortunately, making it a poor choice in PvP Conan Exiles servers. On PvE servers or singleplayer this wall is all players will need, unless they prefer the look of the higher level pieces.

The Sandstone Wall costs 25 stone and 3 wood to craft. Players can also build these pieces while out collecting resources, which will compress the weight and make it possible to return with many more walls than if they return with materials alone. This wall very weak, but it generally gets the job done and has it's place in Conan Exiles.

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