Conan Exiles Shrine of Mitra

The Shrine of Mitra is the lowest level place of worship for the followers of Mitra in Conan Exiles. This building is for one of the religions in the game. At this building players can craft a Mitraen Ankh, Ambrosia, and Offerings to Mitra which are Manifestations of Zeal.
To craft a shrine of Mitra, players will need to collect 360 stone, 160 wood, and 25 twine. A shrine of Mitra is also fairly large. Players will need to reserve quite a bit of room to place it, as can be seen in the picture above.
This tier 1 religious building is the first step to summoning an Avatar, and more specifically, summoning Mitra. Players will need the tier 3 place of worship for Mitra and a high priest of Mitra in order to summon Mitra.
If players selected Mitra as their starting religion then the Acolyte of Mitra crafting recipe will be unlocked by default. For players who don't worship Mitra, they will need to spend 50 knowledge points to unlock the recipe required to craft a Shrine of Mitra. There's also a NPC out in the world of Conan Exiles who can teach anyone the recipe for this for free.
With this shrine and the items crafted here players can collect Lingering Essence from humanoid corpses. With this crafting material players can make Ambrosia, which is highly effective food, and they can also make the offerings to Mitra which put manifestations of zeal into the shrine. The manifestations of zeal can be used at a later date to upgrade the shrine.
Religion in Conan Exiles is an interesting twist on the sandbox survival video game genre. In the end-game players can summon mighty player-controlled avatars and destroy entire enemy bases in less than a minute. There's actually an option to turn avatars off in server options because they're so powerful. Religion is a powerful game element in Conan Exiles.