Conan Exiles crafting recipes

In Conan Exiles there's a really fun crafting system players have to use in order to make items, weapons, armor, and buildings. In order to get new crafting recipes players must spend knowledge points in their inventory. Players can gain knowledge points from leveling up. In total players have 284 knowledge points to spend on crafting recipes.
Below is a list of all the recipes currently in the game. To learn more about the recipe click the name and it will lead to a page with information about that recipe, how to craft it, what it does, etc.
Crafting recipes
These are organized by type, such as base building, weapons and armor, survival, etc. The crafting recipes below are also in alphabetical order.
Armor, weapons, and craftsman recipes
Ancient Khopesh
Ancient Shield
Cimmerian Battle-axe
Explosive Jar
Fire Arrows
Fire Bolts
Firebowl Cauldron
Heavy Gauntlets
Heavy Helmet
Heavy Pauldron
Heavy Sabatons
Heavy Tasset
Hyrkanian Bow
Iron Broadsword
Iron Pike
Iron Poniard
Ironhead Arrows
Master Craftsman
Medium Boots
Medium Cap
Medium Gauntlets
Medium Harness
Medium Tasset
Razor Arrows
Razor Bolts
Sandstorm Mask
Steel Heater Shield
Steel Pickaxe
Steel Poniard
Steel Trident
Stygian Bronze Spear
Stygian Khopesh
Throwing Axe
Base building, storage, and decoration recipes
Big Game Hunter
Dafari Wind Chimes
Exotic Game Hunter
Firebowl Cauldron
Gate Door
Gate Wall
Inverted Thatch Wedged Sloped Roof
Inverted Tiled Wedge Sloped Roof
Inverted Wooden Roof Wedge
Journeyman Stonemason
Large Chest
Large Stygian Banner
Large Water Well
Left-sloping Reinforced Stone Wall
Left-sloping Sandstone Wall
Left-sloping Stonebrick Wall
Log Bench
Master Craftsman
Master Stonemason
Papyrus Scroll
Reinforced Stone Ceiling
Reinforced Stone Doorframe
Reinforced Stone Fence
Reinforced Stone Fence Foundation
Reinforced Stone Frame
Reinforced Stone Gate Door
Reinforced Stone Gate Frame
Reinforced Stone Pillar
Reinforced Stone Stairs
Reinforced Stone Wall
Reinforced Stone Wedge Ceiling
Reinforced Stone Wedge Foundation
Right-sloping Reinforced Stone Wall
Right-sloping Sandstone Wall
Right-sloping Stonebrick Wall
Sandstone Fence
Sandstone Fence Foundation
Simple Palisade
Small Stygian Banner
Stonebrick Ceiling
Stonebrick Doorframe
Stonebrick Fence
Stonebrick Fence Foundation
Stonebrick Frame
Stonebrick Gate Door
Stonebrick Gate Frame
Stonebrick Pillar
Stonebrick Stairs
Stonebrick Wall
Stonebrick Wedge Ceiling
Stonebrick Wedge Foundation
Stygian Banner
Stygian Flag
Tapestry Weaver
Thatch Sloped Roof
Thatch Wedged Sloped Roof
The Royal
Tiled Wedge Sloped Roof
Tiled Sloped Roof
Wall Lantern
Water Well
Wooden Chair
Wooden Roof Wedge
Wooden Shelf
Wooden Sloped Roof
Religion recipes
High Priest of Mitra
High Priest of Set
High Priest of Yog
Priest of Mitra
Priest of Set
Priest of Yog
Thrall-related recipes
Greater Wheel of Pain
Thrall Taker
Wheel of Pain
These are all the recipes currently in the video game Conan Exiles. For more information on how to craft a recipe, how many knowledge points they cost, materials required, uses, etc. simply click on the name of the recipe in the big list above.
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